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Liminal Lives: A postal project/ August 2020

Emily’s gouache piece “Kindling pit” featured in the Liminal Lives Postal Project hosted by Circus Artspace in Inverness. The digital showcase is available for viewing online, and there’s potential for a physical exhibition to be taking place in the coming months.

‘Collectively, we are in a liminal space; between pre-covid and post-covid, as we move through and out of lockdown. Liminality comes from the Latin word līmen, meaning ‘a threshold.’ Liminal Lives is a postal project aiming to bring individuals together to counteract social isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic and socially distancing measures.’

More information about the Artworks can be found here & a link to the digital showcase can be found here.

Incidental @ French St



Daisy Weir, Ruby Lord, Sarah Johnston, and Emily Knight

‘INCIDENTAL’ captures painting through considered realities, assuring the position of viewer between materiality and the encountered object. Spaces are constructed through the lenses of the uncanny and homely nostalgia, challenging the sense of belonging in referentiality. 

Motifs of Pinning-Intention; Flipping-Subversion; and Fusion-Romanticism. 

The artists on display celebrate the medium of paint and bring forward the role of the digital through their navigation of process; encompassing a duality within these spaces but merging their formally binary connotations. 

Pay a trip. 

Rory O’Neill (@_roryoneill)

Hidden Door Festival ’22

The Visual Art programme is open for free visitation between 1-5pm, after which the evening events require a ticket for entry [link below].

Visual Art Preview:

From the 9 – 18 of June, Hidden Door will be filling the Old Royal High School with a wide range of visual art, much of which will be created in response to the building and its history, as well as exploring themes of identity and place. The exhibitions will span a variety of disciplines, showcasing work from recent graduates and established artists from Edinburgh and beyond.

My recent body of work documents sentimental connections held to transient space. A series of paintings that document the emotional attachments made to some of my short-lived homes over the last few years. I use painting to help navigate the stretchy feeling of time and the collapse of these memories within the dynamics of change. Thoughts, photos and keepsakes sit on the surface of these images, material often rendered in a trompe l’œil style to sit partially detached from the recollected image. I aim to share the combination of expectation, reality and reflection through the lens of messy nostalgia-fueled brain clutter.
